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PRODUCT ITEMSTel : 문/의/전/화
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평일 09:00 ~ 19:00
일요일, 공휴일 휴무
입금계좌: 기업은행
예금주 : (주)파워티엠
Elgar ReFlex Power Chassis / Elgar ReFlex Power Chassis
Elgar ReFlex Power Chassis
Product Overview
ReFlex Power™ is a high density, modular programmable power system providing DC, AC and electronic load assets all under control of a single controller. It provides a reconfigurable, flexible platform ideal for ATE and production test environments where RFP™ can provide programmable stimulus and bias power as well as programmable loads for the device(s) under test. The EIA 4U high RFP™ mainframe can hold up to 12 single-slot modules or combinations of single, dual and triple slot wide modules to configure (or reconfigure) the system for the particular requirements at hand. The mainframe can support up to 6 kW of output power.
Up to 8 mainframes, potentially up to 95 modules, can be controlled via a single controller. The controller communicates to the individual modules via a high speed proprietary bus protocol, providing very high data rates and a high degree of deterministic control. The RFP™ controller communicates to the host controller via an Ethernet LAN connection designed to be compliant with the LAN Extension for Instrumentation ( ™ ) standard, assuring interoperability and ease of integration. RFP™ system modules can be combined via the controller, permitting the creation of “virtual assets” with the voltage/current combinations required for a particular test regime. Creating “virtual assets” reduces the “logistical tail” and total cost of ownership.
Available power modules include
- Single slot, 330 Watt programmable DC supplies
- Dual slot, 1kW programmable DC supplies
- Triple slot, 875 VA, single phase, programmable AC supply
- Triple slot, 500V, programmable electronic DC loads
The mainframe provides internal power distribution, cabling, I/O and power connection and rack mounting for 12-asset slots. The mainframe also supplies the signal and control bus fabric supporting multi-module series/parallel operation, complex triggering, fault I/O and inter-mainframe control infrastructure.
Key Features
- Modular
- Control up to 95 assets
- Control multiple AC and DC power supplies and loads in one mainframe
- Create “virtual assets”
- Web browser control
- User configurable
- Highest Power Density
- Simple integration
- Universal AC/DC input
- Up to 6kW in one mainframe
- 1kW DC modules
- PFC ≥0.95
- Reduced space and logistics hassles
High power density
Handles DC and AC power and load modules
User configurable
Universal AC/DC input
- Ease of integration
Web browser control
Trigger bus
Configure modules to parallel or series operation“on the fly”
*** 본 (주)파워티엠 홈페이지의 게시물 및 제품 자료를 사전 동의없이 무단으로 복사 및 배포를 금지합니다. ***