3kVA - 15kVA AC/DC power source with a high performance power analyzer / i-iX Series II

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| 3kVA - 15kVA AC/DC power source with a high performance power analyzer / i-iX Series II


제품명 3kVA - 15kVA AC/DC power source with a high performance power analyzer
모델명 i-iX Series II

• 용량 : 3000–15000 VA

• 출력 : 150–300V

인터페이스 •IEEE-488 and RS232C
판매가격 전화문의 : ☎070-4333-8982
배송비 주문시 결제

상품 기본설명

3kVA - 15kVA AC/DC power source with a high performance power analyzer / i-iX Series II


California Instruments i-iX Series II


Product Overview

​The iX Series II represents a new generation of AC and DC power source that addresses increasing demands on test equipment to perform more functions at a lower cost. By combining a flexible AC/DC power source with a high performance power analyzer, the iX Series II systems are capable of handling complex applications that have traditionally required multiple instruments.
The sleek integrated approach of the iX Series II avoids the cable clutter that is commonly found in AC test systems. The i/iX Series II is rackmountable with a 4U chassis design. All connections are made internally and the need for external digital multimeters, power harmonics analyzer and current shunts or clamps is completely eliminated. Using a state of the art digital signal processor in conjunction with precision high resolution A/D converters, the iX Series II provides more accuracy and resolution than can be found in some dedicated harmonic power analyzers. Since many components in the iX Series II are shared between the AC/DC source and the power analyzer, the total cost of the integrated system is less than the typical cost of a multiple unit system.
For less demanding applications, the Compact iX Series provides similar output and transient capabilities as the iX Series II, as well as basic measurements.

Key Features

- 3000 VA to 15000 VA of AC Output Power

- Combines AC/DC source and power analyzer

- Harmonic analysis of Voltage and Current

- Programmable Impedance

- AC, DC and AC+DC Output Modes

- Multiple Chassis Configurations

- Powerful output transient generation

- High Crest Factor Capability

- Arbitrary waveform generation

- IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-3


Easy to use controls


Both the iX Series II and i Series II are microprocessor controlled and can be operated from an easy to use front panel keypad. Functions are grouped logically and are directly accessible from the keypad. This eliminates the need to search through various levels of menus and/or soft keys. A large analog control knob can be used to quickly slew output parameters. This knob is controlled by a dynamic rate change algorithm that combines the benefits of precise control over small parameter changes with quick sweeps through the entire range


​With precise output regulation and accuracy, the iX Series II AC and DC sources address many application areas for AC and DC power testing. The iX also provides a high load current capability, multi or single phase output modes, and built-in power analyzer measurements. Additional features including line distortion simulation (LDS), arbitrary waveform generation, and programmable output impedance address requirements for product quality and regulatory compliance testing.


Product Evaluation and Test

​Increasingly, manufacturers of electronic equipment and appliances are required to fully evaluate and test their products over a wide range of input line conditions. The built-in output transient generation and readback measurement capability offers the convenience of an easy to use and integrated test system.



With an output frequency range to 1000 Hz, at up to 150 VRMS, the iX Series II is well suited for aerospace applications. Precise frequency control and accurate load regulation are key requirements in these applications. The standard IEEE-488 control interface and SCPI command language provide for easy integration into existing ATE systems. Since the iX Series II can eliminate the need for several additional pieces of test equipment and only occupies 7 inches of rack space (4U), saving both cost and space. Instrument drivers for popular programming environments such as National Instruments LabView, DO-160, ABD-0100, MIL-STD-704A-F, and Boeing 7E73B-0147 are available to speed up system integration.


Regulatory Testing

​As governments are moving to enforce product quality standards, regulatory compliance testing is becoming a requirement for a growing number of manufacturers. The iX Series II is designed to meet AC source requirements for use in Euronorm EN 61000 compliance testing. For flicker testing, the programmable output impedance capability of the 3001iX, 5001iX and 15003iX can be used to create the required IEC 725 reference impedance.


Multi-Box Configurations

For high power applications, two or three 5001i/iX chassis can be combined to provide 10 to 15 kVA of single or three phase power.
A 9003iX, 15003iX or 15003i three phase configuration can be ordered with the MODE-iX option. This option allows automatic switching between single or three phase output mode. In single phase mode, all current is available on phase A. The MODE-iX option switches the output from all three 5001i/iX amplifiers to a single output connector. Without the MODE-iX option, 15003i/iX systems are configured for three phase operation.


High Crest Factor


With a crest factor of up to 5:1, the i/iX Series II AC source can drive difficult nonlinear loads with ease. Since many modern products use switching power supplies, they have a tendency to pull high repetitive peak currents. The 5001iX can deliver up to 110 Amps of repetitive peak current (low range) to handle such loads.  


Remote Control

Standard IEEE-488 and RS232C remote control interfaces allow programming of all instrument functions from an external computer. The popular SCPI command protocol is used for programming. Drivers for several popular instrumentation programming environments are available to facilitate systems integration of the i/iX Series II.

Instrument Control Software


Windows® Instrument Control Software is provided with the iX and i Series II. This software provides easy access to the power sources capabilities without the need to develop any custom code. The following functions are available through this GUI program:


- Steady state output control (all parameters)

- Create, run, save, reload and print transient programs

- Generate and save harmonic waveforms [iX only]

- Generate and save arbitrary waveforms [iX only]

- Download data from a digital storage oscilloscope [iX only]

- Measure and log standard measurements

- Capture and display output voltage and current waveforms [iX only]

- Measure, display, print and log harmonic voltage and current measurements [iX only]

- Run IEC61000-4-11, IEC61000-4-14 and IEC61000-4-28 test programs

- Display IEEE-488 or RS232C bus traffic to and from the AC Source to help you develop your own test programs.






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