High Power Modular DC Power Supplies (SGX Series)

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| High Power Modular DC Power Supplies (SGX Series)


제품명 High Power Modular DC Power Supplies
모델명 SGX Series (Sorensen)
특 징 •용량: 4 kW – 150 kW

•출력 채널 : 1CH
•전압 : 10–1000V
•전류 : 5–6000 A


인터페이스 •RS-232C , LXI Class C Ethernet
인증 •UL/CSA , CE
판매가격 전화문의 : ☎070-4333-8982
배송비 주문시 결제

상품 기본설명

High Power Modular DC Power Supplies (SGX Series)


Programmable Precision High Power DC Power Supply 

Sorensen SGX Series 

Sorensen Next Generation DC Supply
The Sorensen SGX Series represents the next generation of high power programmable DC power supplies. The SGX Series is designed for exceptional load transient response, low noise and the highest power density in the industry. With a full 15 kW available down to 20 V output in a 3U package the SGX leads the industry in power density. The power density is enhanced by a stylish front air intake allowing supplies to be stacked without any required clearance between units.
At the heart of the SGX series is a 5 kW power module. Depending on the output voltage, one to six modules can be configured in a single chassis to deliver 5 kW to 30 kW of power.
Combinations of these chassis can then be easily paralleled to achieve power levels up to 150 kW. Paralleled units operate like one single supply providing total system current.

Advanced Intelligent Control
The SGX Series is operated from the intuitive, easy-to-use front panel touch screen display. Quickly access output programming parameters, measurements, sequencing, configuration and system settings from the touch screen interface. Functions and parameters can be directly selected from the touch screen or by using the encoder selector button. The control resolution is adjusted by a dynamic rate change algorithm that combines the benefits of precise control over small parameter changes with quick sweeps through the entire range.
Additionally, the instrument can be controlled via LXI Ethernet and RS232 standard control interfaces, as well as through the optional GPIB control interface.




Output: Voltage and Current Ranges
Power 4/5 kW Power 8/10 kW Power 12/15 kW
Voltage Current Kwatt Model Voltage Current Kwatt MODEL Voltage Current Kwatt MODEL
10 400 4KW SGX10x400 10 800 8KW SGX10x800 10 1200 12KW SGX10x1200
15 267 4KW SGX15x267 15 534 8KW SGX15x534 15 801 12KW SGX15x801
20 250 5KW SGX20x250 20 500 10KW SGX20x500 20 750 15KW SGX20x750
30 167 5KW SGX30x167 30 334 10KW SGX30x334 30 501 15KW SGX30x501
40 125 5KW SGX40x125 40 250 10KW SGX40x250 40 375 15KW SGX40x375
50 100 5KW SGX50x100 50 200 10KW SGX50x200 50 300 15KW SGX50x300
60 83 5KW SGX60x83 60 167 10KW SGX60x167 60 250 15KW SGX60x250
75 67 5KW SGX75x67 75 133 10KW SGX75x133 75 200 15KW SGX75x200
80 63 5KW SGX80x63 80 125 10KW SGX80x125 80 188 15KW SGX80x188
100 50 5KW SGX100x50 100 100 10KW SGX100x100 100 150 15KW SGX100x150
160 31 5KW SGX160x31 160 63 10.1KW SGX160x63 160 94 15KW SGX160x94
200 25 5KW SGX200x25 200 50 10KW SGX200x50 200 75 15KW SGX200x75
250 20 5KW SGX250x20 250 40 10KW SGX250x40 250 60 15KW SGX250x60
300 17 5.1KW SGX300x17 300 33 9.9KW SGX300x33 300 50 15KW SGX300x50
330 15 5KW SGX330x15 330 30 9.9KW SGX330x30 330 45 14.9KW SGX330x45
400 12 4.8KW SGX400x12 400 25 10KW SGX400x25 400 38 15.2KW SGX400x38
500 10 5KW SGX500x10 500 20 10KW SGX500x20 500 30 15KW SGX500x30
600 8 4.8KW SGX600x8 600 17 10.2KW SGX600x17 600 25 15KW SGX600x25
800 6.2 5KW SGX800x6.2 800 12.5 10KW SGX800x12.5 800 18.7 15KW SGX800x18.7
1000 5 5KW SGX1000x5 1000 10 10KW SGX1000x10 1000 15 15KW SGX1000x15
Power 16/20 kW Power 20/25 kW Power 24/30 kW
Voltage Current Kwatt Model Voltage Current Kwatt MODEL Voltage Current Kwatt MODEL
10 1600 16KW SGX10/1600 10 2000 20KW SGX10/2000 10 2400 24KW SGX10/2400
15 1068 16KW SGX15/1068 15 1335 20KW SGX15/1335 15 1602 24KW SGX15/1602
20 1000 20KW SGX20/1000 20 1250 25KW SGX20/1250 20 1500 30KW SGX20/1500
30 668 20KW SGX30/668 30 835 25.1KW SGX30/835 30 1002 30.1KW SGX30/1002
40 500 20KW SGX40/500 40 625 25KW SGX40/625 40 750 30KW SGX40/750
50 400 20KW SGX50/400 50 500 25KW SGX50/500 50 600 30KW SGX50/600
60 333 20KW SGX60/333 60 417 25KW SGX60/417 60 500 30KW SGX60/500
75 267 20KW SGX75/267 75 333 25KW SGX75/333 75 400 30KW SGX75/400
80 250 20KW SGX80/250 80 313 25KW SGX80/313 80 375 30KW SGX80/375
100 200 20KW SGX100/200 100 250 25KW SGX100/250 100 300 30KW SGX100/300
160 125 20KW SGX160/125 160 156 25KW SGX160/156 160 188 30.1KW SGX160/188
200 100 20KW SGX200/100 200 125 25KW SGX200/125 200 150 30KW SGX200/150
250 80 20KW SGX250/80 250 100 25KW SGX250/100 250 120 30KW SGX250/120
300 67 20.1KW SGX300/67 300 83 24.9KW SGX300/83 300 100 30KW SGX300/100
330 61 20.1KW SGX330/61 330 76 25.1KW SGX330/76 330 91 30KW SGX330/91
400 50 20KW SGX400/50 400 63 25.2KW SGX400/63 400 75 30KW SGX400/75
500 40 20KW SGX500/40 500 50 25KW SGX500/50 500 60 30KW SGX500/60
600 33 19.8KW SGX600/33 600 42 25.2KW SGX600/42 600 50 30KW SGX600/50
800 25 20KW SGX800/25 800 31.2 25KW SGX800/31.2 800 37.5 30KW SGX800/37.5
1000 20 20KW SGX1000/20 1000 25 25KW SGX1000/25 1000 30 30KW SGX1000/30

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업체명: (주)파워티엠 | 대표자: 차효정 | 주소: 경기도 성남시 중원구 사기막골로 124 , 비즈센터동505호(상대원동,SKn테크노파크)
문의전화(Tel): 070-4333-8982 | 팩스(Fax): 070-7966-8928 | e메일: powertm@powertm.co.kr
사업자등록번호: 215-87-96171 | 통신판매업신고: 제2016-성남중원-0113호
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